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日 遊 自 慢 特 別 鳴 謝 顧 客 , 在 百 忙 之 中 抽 出 寶 貴 的 時 間 來 寫 評 價。謝 謝 您 !


東京+白川鄉+新穗高+松本+高山+諏訪湖溫泉+奧飛驒溫泉鄉~ 8日7夜自駕行程表






For enquiry please contact japanfavorite2003@hotmail.com


自 選 行 程 : 超過300款精心預先設計的固定行程表, 任你選購。 購買行程表只需3個步驟, 方便快捷, 即買即有。

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前 往 自 選 行 程 表:         北海道         東北         關東、東京         關西 、大阪 、四國        名古屋、中部、 北陸        九州        沖繩
KY7D012~鹿兒島+宮崎+指宿~7日6夜自駕行程表‏      提交你的評價
Wendy 於2018-2-23
HK8D002~札幌+小樽+函館+定山溪溫泉+洞爺溫泉~8日7夜行程表‏ 提交你的評價
Uncle 於2015-6-3
Just came back two days ago from Hokkaido.

We followed your plan visiting all spots, and the schedules are so tight that we were utterly tired every night coming back to hotel.

However, we have to say thank you because your plan is very useful for the first time visitors.

We had a wonderful and happy trip which my daughter appraised you must be an organized lady, otherwise cannot structure such a detailed route with correct information of all kinds.

She said she would use your service again next time when she visit some other areas in Japan. Thank you again and we wish you are always success as a trip planner.

HK9D002~札幌+小樽+函館+登別溫泉+洞爺湖溫泉 ~9日8夜行程表‏ 提交你的評價
Vicky 於2012-3-19
It was excellent as I can visit a lot of places with limited time and ate a lot of good food.

Honestly, I didn’t prepare anything this time before going but just double checking the timing of the trains. It’s really save a lot of my time for this trip.

Hakodate night view was also excellent. We could view the difference between day view and night view in the right timing. You are so great May!

You know, I finally ate the crab set in Sapporo this time. But I ate during lunch time in order to save time for shopping :P! I’d say dinner set was much more better when compared lunch set as I felt that the food are different and more varieties in crab. But the crab leg sushi which we ordered additionally was really ichiban and the quality was as good as the one I ate in Osaka too. Don’t know if they are the same group but we really can’t eat this in Hong Kong. Thank you for your recommendation! Again, thank you so much for your help during this trip.

I’d highly recommend you to my friends.

HK9D001~札幌+小樽+層雲峽+富良野+美瑛+Outlet~9日8夜行程表 ‏ 提交你的評價
Vicky 於2011-7-20


行程十分緊湊,沒有半點浪費時間,你介紹的食店也十分好吃 e.g. 壽司、Restaurant, 拉麵店,etc!交通安排也很好,只是我們不太淸楚怎樣用u-seat券,不過你通過email解釋就清楚了。

唯一在旭川站往乘shuttle bus的地方,相信五分鐘真的比較緊迫,因為旭川站正在expand,要行多過五分鐘才可以到達,不過司機叔叔好好人,在車站口等我們!

Cheers and thanks a lot! You are a fantastic Japan travel planner!

KX7D003~大阪+神戶+京都+白濱溫泉+和歌山~7日6夜行程表 ‏      提交你的評價
Sue 於2008-5-4
I am so happy for the trip, and thanks a lot of your plan,

It is so great for me, and I already forward your web site to all my friends.

You are so helpful! You planning let us no need to buy the travel book la! haha!

I want to share my trip for your web member.

But i really too busy at work, when I come back.

KX6D013~大阪+京都+奈良+伊勢+鳥羽+Outlet~6日5夜行程表 ‏      提交你的評價
PuiMan 於2014-2-15
今次大板指定行程, 交通及各方面都很好, 慳返好多時間!


KX6D004~大阪+京都+神戶+姬路+有馬溫泉~6日5夜行程表 ‏      提交你的評價
May 於2011-12-24
And thank you a lot for your itinerary, we saw a lot of things worth seeing that I think I would not have known to visit!

All in all a very enjoyable trip, a pity we couldn't stay longer! Thank you very much for the guidance in the itinerary! (I think without it we would have got lost going to Arima...!!)

KX5D012~大阪+白濱溫泉+京都~5日4夜行程表 ‏       提交你的評價
Vicky 於2010-1-23
Also, your fixed schedule is also fantastic and detail. I can bring no book at all!

It's really help me a lot with yr schedule. Thanks again for yr help!

KX5D005~大阪+神戶+京都 ~5日4夜行程表       提交你的評價
Michelle 於2012-11-5
好滿意妳認真嘅態度,一絲不苟咁去review itinerary,確保行程中嘅資訊 (包括JR時間表、地圖...) 係最update、最準確。

喺訂購過程中,好感激妳能夠按照我同家人嘅需要去recommend適合嘅節目/ 景點 (有大人、有細路),亦完全唔會hard sell要客人買佢用唔著/ 過多嘅行程。


Your itinerary was useful in a lot of ways, for example: · Allowed me to have a good overview as to what are the must-see/ must-visit places in each area (as you know, travel book has too many attractions and normally, we won't be able to see everything in one trip) · It was easy to follow with detailed information on train/ JR schedules, maps etc.

KX5D003~大阪+和歌山+白濱溫泉+勝浦溫泉~5日4夜行程表       提交你的評價
Lam 於2011-12-17
KX4D003~大阪+心齋橋+海遊館~4日3夜行程表       提交你的評價
Lam 於2011-12-17
KX1D008~京都: 嵐山 +金閣寺~1日行程表       提交你的評價
Vicky 於2010-1-23
Also, your fixed schedule is also fantastic and detail. I can bring no book at all!

It's really help me a lot with yr schedule. Thanks again for yr help!

KX1D005~神戶: 異人館+中華街+神戶漁人碼頭 ~1日行程表      提交你的評價
Lam 於2011-12-17
KX1D003~奈良~1日行程表       提交你的評價
Michelle 於2012-11-5
好滿意妳認真嘅態度,一絲不苟咁去review itinerary,確保行程中嘅資訊 (包括JR時間表、地圖...) 係最update、最準確。

喺訂購過程中,好感激妳能夠按照我同家人嘅需要去recommend適合嘅節目/ 景點 (有大人、有細路),亦完全唔會hard sell要客人買佢用唔著/ 過多嘅行程。


Your itinerary was useful in a lot of ways, for example: · Allowed me to have a good overview as to what are the must-see/ must-visit places in each area (as you know, travel book has too many attractions and normally, we won't be able to see everything in one trip) · It was easy to follow with detailed information on train/ JR schedules, maps etc.

Candy 於2013-9-17
今次日本之旅幸好得到你的幫忙, 旅途一切順利.

你為我們提供了體貼的服務, 替我們寫好紙條給酒店幫忙訂車服務, 所代訂的酒店都很乾淨衛生, 職員也很熱情, 在交通上也順利.

下次再去日本務必請你幫忙, 在此多謝你的安排.

Tony 於2012-1-14



名古屋 及 北陸 中部~自選行程評價
NT6D002~名古屋+妻籠+松本+上高地~6日5夜行程表       提交你的評價
Tang 於2013-7-5
東京 及 關東 ~自選行程評價
TY4D003~伊豆半島~4日3夜行程表       提交你的評價
Justina 於2012-3-2
My hubby reminds me to thank u for your recommendations.


A Happy Camper 於2008-7-1
Thank you again for your recommendation and help!

We have enjoyed a nice and happy trip in Izu. Your itineray is easy to follow and time schedule is quite exact. Thank you May.

TY2D001~箱根~2日1夜行程表       提交你的評價
Dorothy 於2006-10-2
TY5D003~東京5日4夜(初心者)行程表       提交你的評價
Daniel 於2005-05-30
Thx for yr help , I have a wonderful trip this time
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